Monday, June 14, 2010

Ninja! Hi-yah!

So, kids at Hume-Fogg have been playing this awesome game called Ninja. Maggie had been keeping it a secret until recently when she taught me and Jessica. You take turns moving only once, trying to hit another persons arm (to cut their arm off). If someone tries to hit you, you can only move one time to get out of the way. Somewhat confusing to explain but its totally fun! You should try it. Become a NINJA WARRIOR! Here are some videos of Jess, Erin, Mag and me playing.

Untitled from Chelsea Bates on Vimeo.

Ninja #2 from Chelsea Bates on Vimeo.

Ninja #3 from Chelsea Bates on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Awesomely painful game. Only at HFA. :) Maybe you should put a post on BatesGirls and say you have your own blog! Does anyone know except me? Haha. Mwuah!